Stephen G. Adkins &
Peggy Wilkes Adkins
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Thanks to Terra Hope for the inspired background music.
Spiritualist Mediums

Coming soon will be more informationabout classes on the Art and Science of Mediumship, as practiced by Steve and Peggy Adkins.
Essentially, a Mediumistic reading is one in which a person's Relatives, Friends and Spiritual Guides are "brought through", for a person, as a demonstration that life continues beyond physical "death", and to convey information or advice from people in the Spirit World.
Both Steve and Peggy are proven and experienced demonstrators of Mediumship, and can be contacted to arrange personal and group readings, classes and lectures on the topic of Mediumship and related subjects.
Follow the links for Reverend Steve and Peggy's Bios for more information.
Follow our Upcoming Activities & Events link for information on our currently running classes and events.
Life Guidance Readings
Coming soon, will be more information on "Psychic Life Guidance Readings".
In short, a Mediumistic reading is one in which a person's relatives, friends and Spiritual Guides are "brought through" for a person, to prove that life continues after the "physical death", and to convey information or advice from people in the Spirit World.
In a Life Guidance Reading, the information comes primarily from a person's own energy field and Spiritual energies. Its intended to give someone another kind of insight and guidance, similar to what is thought of as a traditional psychic reading.
For more information, you can see Reverend Steve and Peggy's Bio pages.
Phone Readings
The link established by telephone from a gifted medium is as strong and evidential as one in person. This method is especially useful when distance is involved, but help is still desired.
If you have any additional questions about a phone reading, please CLICK HERE or feel free to call @ 386-228-2534.
Thank you for your interest.